Direction Guesser

This was a team project from the Meta Presence Hackathon 2024

I loved working with this dedicated friendly and enthusiastic team as we worked hard on this XR Mixed Reality app submission to the Meta Presence Hackathon in May 2024.

In this project, I contributed Sound Design, Audio Implementation through C# and the character voice of our interactive narration character, Pecky. I was able to build confidence in collaborative version control with Git Desktop, by merging project branches and communicating remotely across borders. It was super interesting to co-organize our coding styles to make one common goal.

Check out our DevPost submission page to learn more details about Mika Haak's very original concept and the rest of the amazing team: Olamipo Akinniyi & Lorenzo Carly. I also contributed to the video trailer development alongside Lorenzo. Big thanks to XR Bootcamp for rearranging our schedule so we could participate in this amazing opportunity.


Behind the Scenes

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