XR Audio School

Minimum Viable Product (MR)

During this MVP development project, in a 2 week Sprint, I had led a skillful team toward my vision for this app. We are continuing development.

Learn audio skills through an exciting and imaginative simulation in Mixed Reality! I worked with Meta SDK version 65 -- espeically the Mixed Reality Utility Kit (MRUK). The environment in this scene uses the SDK's "Scene Understanding" and "Room Model" features. This means, the room geometry shown is an overlay of my actual room layout and furniture. It will be unique for every user in their different spaces. Future versions would allow a user to operate the scene with full passthrough seeing their own room.

Roles and Contributions

* Sky Deep:  (Developer, Project Lead, Creative & Branding Concept, Curriculum, Narration Voice, Rope Sim configuration, Audio programming)

* Ray Ng Jun Hui:  (Github Management, Lead Developer, Module Programming)

* Bernard Masika:  (3d asset modification, Wall destruction effect, Lighting, NPCs import & animations)

* Sahith Nayudu: (UX flow visualization, 3D asset modification, Branding, UI design, Figma import)


Behind the Scenes

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